Causes of Rollover Accidents
Posted on December 00,0000 in Car Accidents

While all kinds of
car accidents can result in serious damage and tragic injury or fatality, rollover accidents are particularly intense, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). The NHTSA reports that rollovers are both complex and violent, due largely to the fact that the reasons behind them are so diverse. Unlike rear-end accidents, for example, which are often a result of speeding through an intersection or distracted driving behaviors, rollover accidents are the result of a number of different factors, and usually multiple factors combined.
Contributing Factors in Rollover Incidents
While rollovers happen less frequently than other kinds of collisions, they also have a higher fatality rate, accounting for almost thirty-five percent of all deaths from passenger vehicle crashes. It is typically a dangerous combination of the following factors that contribute to a single rollover incident:
Forty percent of fatal rollover crashes are due to excessive speeding, with a significant number of those fatalities taking place in speed limit areas where the limit is fifty-five mph or higher. Speeding, even when the increase does not jump drastically over the limit, makes it much easier to lose control of your vehicle.
Not surprisingly, driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol has proven to severely increase a driver’s chance of experiencing a rollover accident. The NHTSA reports that alcohol impairment is such a large factor, in fact, that it actually accounts for almost half of all fatal rollover crashes.
Although coming into contact with guardrails or barriers can and often does result in collision, driving on roads that are undivided and have no barriers is more likely to increase the severity of a rollover incident. This makes rural roads especially risky where rollover accidents are concerned. According to the NHTSA, nearly three-fourths of fatal rollovers take place on rural highways.
Other Risks
Another factor that increases a car’s chances of experiencing a severe rollover collision is the vehicle’s size and style. For example, SUVs, pickups, and vans, which are taller and more narrow in design, have a higher center of gravity, putting them at higher risk for a rollover than smaller, wider, more compact vehicles. Additionally,
Additionally, distracted driving behavior is a major cause of rollover-style collisions. Data from the NHTSA shows us that an overwhelming percentage - 90 percent - of cars that were in fatal rollovers were performing routine maneuvers at the time of the accident, such as driving straight. These findings point heavily to driver inattention as the reason for such crashes.
If you have been injured in a rollover accident, it is imperative you speak with a knowledgeable Lake County car accident attorney immediately to ensure your rights are protected and that you receive proper compensation for your injuries. Call Salvi & Maher, LLP at 847-662-3303 for a consultation today.