Dangerous Choices Teen Drivers Make

Influenced Driving - Sadly, due to peer pressure and other external influences, many teens make the decision to operate a vehicle while intoxicated or under the influence of other drugs, such as marijuana. Not only does this put them at risk for accident and injury, it also places them at risk for the serious consequences that accompany breaking underage drinking and driving laws. NHTSA statistics show that when the consumption of alcohol is involved, the severity of crashes among 15 to 20-year-olds is increased. There is also a correlation between the tendency for underage, teen drivers who have been drinking and driving to also not use seat belt restraints, which further enhances the chances for such accidents to be fatal.
The NHTSA reports that motor vehicle crashes are a leading cause of death among teen drivers. While we cannot prevent each and every teen from being involved in an accident, we can play a role in the prevention of injury and life-threatening collisions by raising awareness and living by example.If you find yourself in a collision due to negligent teen driving, you need to speak with a skilled Lake County car accident attorney to ensure your rights are protected. Call Salvi & Maher, LLP today at 847-662-3303 for a personal consultation.
http://www.nhtsa.gov/Driving+Safety/Teen+Drivers/Teen+Drivers+Education/Teen+Drivers+-+Graduated+Driver+LicensingContact a Lake County Vehicle Accident Attorney Who is Ready to Help You
If you or a member of your family has been injured in a motor vehicle accident, contact our office. Call 847-662-3303 to set up a free initial consultation at one of our four convenient locations. There is no risk because we only collect fees if you collect compensation. With offices in Libertyville, Waukegan, Richmond, and Chicago, we represent clients in Lake County, Cook County, DuPage County, and McHenry County.