Rights of Drunk Driving Accident Victims
Posted on December 00,0000 in Drunk Driving Accidents

No matter where you reside, many laws exist to fight and prevent impaired driving and the fatality and injury statistics that sadly accompany
drunk driving accidents. The state of Illinois has its own set of laws in place to combat the problematic behavior of driving under the influence, and police work hard to enforce these laws to hold offenders accountable for their actions.
Are Victims’ Rights Protected?
DUI offenders are held responsible for their actions, but how do these repercussions affect the victims of a crash? When it comes to drinking and driving, state law focuses on punishment and fines placed upon the driver found guilty of driving under the influence as a main avenue for addressing the problem.
Convictions and their consequences vary, including everything from short-term and long-term loss of driving privileges to imprisonment and community service. Conviction fines can spike as high as $25,000, and a third conviction or an Aggravated DUI (that results in serious bodily harm or disfigurement) are deemed Class 2 or Class 4 felonies, which impact a driver’s record for a significant amount of time.
Apart from enforcing certain laws on those guilty of drunk driving that bring considerable consequences to the forefront, criminal charges alone do not do much to protect the rights of victims following an accident. Victims of drunk driving incidents are protected under certain basic at-fault motorist laws, however, and one course of action they can pursue to protect themselves is to file a personal injury claim. There is also something called civil liability, which refers to the driver who caused the crash and their responsibility to pay for certain damages, such as automobile damages and medical bills to gaps in employment compensation.
Knowing Where You Stand
Since 1995, the Zero Tolerance state law has enforced a range of penalties for drunk driving offenders, but only so much can be done on the end of criminal charges where victims are concerned. Regardless of the circumstances that surround your accident, this is why it is so important to speak with a qualified, knowledgeable Lake County drunk driving accident attorney if you are a victim of an impaired driving collision. Personal injury claims can be tricky, so it is crucial to ensure you are equipped with the proper legal representation and that your rights are protected. Call Salvi & Maher, LLP today at 847-662-3303 to schedule a free consultation.