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How Do I Know if My Injury Was Caused by a Defective Product?

 Posted on November 24,2021 in Defective Products

Il injury lawyerConsumers use products to cook, clean, maintain their yard, travel, and complete countless other everyday tasks. Most people assume that any product available for purchase has been tested and proven to be safe. While this is generally true, unsafe products do sometimes reach consumers’ hands. When a consumer is harmed by a dangerous or defective product, he or she may be able to take legal action against the at-fault party. The injured consumer may be entitled to financial restitution. However, knowing whether an injury was caused by a defective product is not always easy.

Product Defects Can Cause Severe Injury or Even Death

Almost everyone who has used a hammer has accidentally struck their thumb or fingers at least once. Injuries from consumer products are not rare. However, some product injuries result in much more than a sore thumb. Sadly, people have even lost their lives due to dangerous or defective products.

Product defects can occur because the initial design of the product was defective or inherently dangerous or defects can occur due to mistakes during the manufacturing process. A product may also be considered defective if the product does not contain appropriate warning labels or instructions for safe use.

Bringing a Product Liability Claim for Damages

A hammer is not necessarily defective just because you accidentally hit your hand with it. More than likely, your aim was simply off. In contrast, a defective product is unreasonably unsafe due to a malfunction or problem with the product itself.

If you or a loved one were harmed due to a faulty automotive part, building material, medication, medical device, or children’s product, you may be interested in taking legal action. To bring a successful claim against a negligent product manufacturer, designer, supplier, or other party, you will have to prove that the product was unsafe and that the product caused your injuries.

An experienced product liability attorney may demonstrate that a product is defective through evidence like medical reports, photographs and videos, accident reports, and documentary evidence such as company memos, emails, or documents. Expert testimony is often a crucial form of evidence in a product liability claim. Engineers and other scientists, as well as medical experts, can testify as to how the injury occurred and whether the injury was caused by a problem with the product or misuse of the product.

Contact a Waukegan Product Liability Attorney

If you suspect a dangerous product is to blame for your injuries or a loved one’s injuries, contact a Lake County product liability attorney at Salvi & Maher, LLP. We can help you determine if the product was defective and take the appropriate legal action. Call us at 847-662-3303 today.




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