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New Device Could Help Law Enforcement Nab Texting Drivers

 Posted on December 00,0000 in Car Accidents

texting driversStudy after study has proven how dangerous texting and driving is. According to the National Safety Council (NSC), over 25 percent of all fatal car crashes which occur in the U.S. every year now involve cell phone use. And yet people still text and drive.

Many people think that using their phone’s voice-to-text function is safer, but studies have shown that is not any better than actually texting.

As a result, most states have enacted some kind of texting and driving laws. Illinois’ law not only forbids texting and driving, but it bans all hand-held cell phone activity. Penalty for a first offense is $75. For subsequent violations the penalties can be $100, $125 and $150.

Now there is news that a Virginia company is developing a product – similar to a radar gun which helps law enforcement catch speeding drivers – which would help nab drivers who are texting and driving.

The product is being developed using the same technology that cable repairmen use to locate where cable lines are damaged, by using radio frequencies. The new device will be able to detect any radio frequencies which are coming from a vehicle – a sure sign that someone inside the vehicle is texting.

Telephone calls, data transmission, and text messaging all emit different radio frequencies, and developers of the product say that their product will be able to tell the difference – enabling law enforcement in states that have not banned hand-held cell phone use to also utilize the device to crack down on texting drivers.

The company is a major producer of calibration services for speed enforcement equipment and a spokesperson said they hope to be able to begin production of the device in the very near future. Before that can take place, however, there are requirements the company will have to meet, including legislative approval and also addressing any privacy issues that may arise. The spokesperson did stress that there is not decryption of any information which a driver may be texting that shows up or is obtainable by the device.

If you have been injured in an accident caused by a texting driver, contact an experienced Lake County injury attorney to find out what compensation you may be entitled to for any pain and loss you have suffered.

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