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NTSB Calls Defective Tire Recall System "Broken"

 Posted on December 00,0000 in Uncategorized

Illinois personal injury lawyer, Illinois wrongful death attorney, Illinois car accident lawyer,According to a report issued by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), the recall system currently in place for defective tires does not work. In fact, the report classified the system as “broken” and that it leaves commuters in danger of becoming injured or killed in vehicle crashes caused by defective tires.

The NTSB data reveals that only one in every five tires deemed to be defective is actually removed from the road via the national recall system. Another 25 percent are eventually removed from the roads due to either normal wear and tear or other damage.

However, the federal agency also concluded that almost 80 percent of defective tires are left on vehicles, putting everyone on the roads at risk. This is because there is no requirement for tire retailers to register the tires they sell with the tire manufacturer. This leaves the manufacturers unable to contact consumers who purchased tires which are later determined to be defective. More than 90 percent of the tires which are sold in this country are sold by independent tire retailers.

The NTSB report cited a tragic incident which occurred in Florida last year, where the driver of a 15-passenger van pulled off the side of the road when he felt the van begin to vibrate. He inspected all the tires on the van, found nothing amiss, and resumed driving. Moments later, one of the tires blew, which caused the van to careen out of control and roll over. Two people were killed and eight others seriously injured. The defect in the tire that blew was on the inside and not visible. The tire’s manufacturer had issued a recall almost two years earlier, but had no way of directly informing all those who had purchased the tires.

In all, there are more than 30,000 tire-related vehicle crashes which occur each year. These crashes kill approximately 500 victims, and leave almost 20,000 more injured. Although it is impossible to determine which of these accidents are caused by recalled tires, it is important to note that between the years 2009 through 2013, there were more than 3 million tires involved in safety recall campaigns.

If you have been injured in an auto accident caused by a defective vehicle product, contact an experienced Lake County injury attorney. Call the law firm of Salvi & Maher, L.L.C. at 847-662-3303 today to schedule a consultation.



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