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Can I Bring a Premises Liability Claim for Inadequate Security?

 Posted on December 10,2020 in Premises Liability

IL accident lawyerProperty owners and possessors have a duty of care to keep their property reasonably safe for invited guests to the property. This includes properly maintaining the property, taking reasonable steps to remove environmental hazards, and providing adequate security. When a property owner or possessor fails to uphold his or her duty to maintain a safe property and someone is injured or killed as a result, a premises liability claim can help the injured person or surviving family members recover compensation. Although many people typically think of things like broken staircases or wet floors when they think about premises liability, inadequate security can also lead to a premises liability claim.

Insufficient Building Security Can Lead to Injuries

Understandably, property owners cannot be held responsible for acts of violence that are unforeseeable. However, when a person is injured in an attack and that attack could have been prevented through better security, the property owner may be considered negligent.

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What Are My Rights if I Was Hurt in an Accident as a Vehicle Passenger?

 Posted on December 08,2020 in Car Accidents

IL accident lawyerWhen discussing the rights of those injured in auto accidents, we are often talking about injured drivers. However, passengers may sustain injuries that are just as severe if not more severe than drivers in a major collision. If you or a loved one were a passenger in a car accident, you may have questions about your rights. You may be facing significant medical expenses and other costs because of the accident and are curious about your options for seeking compensation. Personal injury claims involving injured passengers require the same basic elements as a case involving driver injuries but there may be additional considerations to think about.

When Do I Have a Claim?

A successful personal injury claim can enable someone to recover financial compensation for their medical bills, future medical costs, lost wages from missed work, pain and suffering, and other damages. However, to be awarded a personal injury settlement or award, you and your lawyer will need to show that four main components are present:

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How Much Compensation May I Be Entitled to After a Traumatic Brain Injury?

 Posted on November 30,2020 in Brain Injuries

IL injury lawyerA traumatic brain injury (TBI) occurs when the brain is damaged in some way. The brain injury may be caused by the brain striking the inside of the sufferer’s skull during a forceful impact or it may be caused by an object penetrating the skull and coming into contact with brain tissue. The medical consequences of a traumatic brain injury vary significantly. A person may sustain a minor concussion and not even be aware of it. On the other end of the spectrum, a severe traumatic brain injury can cause lifelong disability. If you or a loved one suffered a TBI, you may have questions about your legal rights. You may wonder if you will be entitled to financial compensation for your injury, and if so, how much compensation you could receive.

The Severity of TBI Symptoms Can Affect the Amount of Damages You May Receive

The brain is responsible for controlling the majority of bodily functions. Traumatic brain injuries are unique in that they can cause physical, cognitive, and psychological consequences. TBI sufferers may experience symptoms including:

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Can I Sue After Being Injured in a Parking Lot Accident?

 Posted on November 27,2020 in Car Accidents

IL injury lawyerWhen most people think about car accidents, they picture accidents that occur on highways and roads. However, many car accidents occur in parking lots. Motorists in parking lots are often traveling at lower speeds than they would on the road, but serious and even deadly parking lot accidents still occur. If you or a loved one were hurt in a parking lot accident, you may be eligible for compensation through a personal injury claim.

Liability for a Parking Lot Collision

A parking lot accident can leave an injured person with expensive medical bills, vehicle damage, and other costs. Before you can seek compensation for a parking lot accident, you and your attorney will need to establish how the accident occurred and who is at fault. Liability for a parking lot accident claim can fall to a number of parties. Often, another driver is at fault. However, if the parking lot accident was caused or exacerbated by defects with the parking lot itself, the owner of the parking lot may also be liable. It is also possible that the injured person shares fault for the accident. Fortunately, Illinois is modified comparative negligence state. This means that you may still be entitled to compensation for an accident even if you contributed to the accident. As long as you are not more than 51 percent at fault, you may still be able to recover partial damages.

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My Child Was Injured by a Defective Toy. What Are My Legal Options?

 Posted on November 25,2020 in Defective Products

IL injur lawyerAs a parent, you probably spend a considerable amount of time worrying about your child’s safety. You have probably reminded your child to look both ways before crossing the street, buckle up in the car, or wear his or her bike helmet more times than you can even count. Unfortunately, sometimes, the greatest safety issue in a child’s life is within their own home. Defective toys cause thousands of injuries and deaths each year in the United States. If your child was injured because of a faulty or malfunctioning toy, you may have a valid product liability claim.

Liability for Unsafe Toys

The companies that design and manufacture children’s products are held to high standards when it comes to safety. Nevertheless, U.S. emergency rooms treated approximately 226,1000 toy-related injuries in 2018 alone. Tragically, some of these toy-related injuries were fatal. Some of the most common injuries caused by toys include:

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What Types of Damages May I Be Entitled to After a Traumatic Brain Injury?

 Posted on November 13,2020 in Brain Injuries

IL accident lawyerInjuries to the brain can be some of the most life-changing types of injuries. If you have suffered a traumatic brain injury (TBI), you may be suffering from a range of physical, mental, and emotional symptoms. Your injury may have prevented you from working or living your life as you normally would have. You may also be left with massive medical debt and other expenses because of your injury. Through a personal injury claim, you may be able to recover compensation for the costs incurred by your TBI. The amount and types of compensation you may be entitled to will depend on the severity of your injury, your prognosis, and other circumstances.

Past, Present, and Future Medical Expenses

Unlike other injuries, injuries to the brain are not outwardly visible. In order for doctors to diagnose your TBI, you may have needed to undergo a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) test, computerized tomography (CT) scan, cognitive and neuropsychological tests, or other testing. You may have also needed extensive hospitalization, treatment from medical specialists, rehabilitative care, and other medical treatments. Through a personal injury claim, you may be compensated for your past, present, and expected future medical costs. This may include costs associated with long-term care, home health care, and any medical devices you require.

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Can I File a Personal Injury Claim After a Hit and Run Accident in Illinois?

 Posted on November 11,2020 in Hit-and-Run Accidents

IL accident lawyerBeing involved in a car accident is a distressing experience regardless of the circumstances. However, hit and run accidents are often especially traumatic. Illinois law requires motorists to stop and exchange contact and car insurance information whenever they are in an accident causing property damage or personal injury. Unfortunately, some drivers attempt to evade responsibility for an accident by speeding away from the accident scene. If you or a loved one were hurt in a hit and run accident, a personal injury lawyer can help you understand your legal rights and pursue the compensation you need to cover accident-related costs.

Can I File a Claim Even if the At-Fault Driver Cannot Be Located?

In the moments after a traumatic car accident, most people are in a state of shock. They may be disoriented or even knocked unconscious by the force of the impact. Taking note of the at-fault driver’s vehicle or license plate number may simply not be possible. Without this information, it can be difficult for law enforcement to catch the driver and for you to recover compensation through the driver’s insurance company. Footage from dash cameras or nearby security cameras and other types of evidence may help to locate a hit and run driver, but there are many cases in which hit and run drivers are never brought to justice. Fortunately, you may still be able to recover compensation after a hit and run accident even if the driver cannot be located.

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Drowsy Driving Is a Deadly Concern on Illinois Roadways

 Posted on November 06,2020 in Fatigued Driver

IL accident lawyerIf you are like most people, you probably deal with tiredness and fatigue from time to time. Studies show that most of us do not get as much sleep as we need. When a driver feels too sleepy to drive safely or starts to nod off at the wheel, he or she should pull off of the road and rest. Sleep deprivation can cause reduced concentration, shortened reaction time, cognitive lapses, and inattention to the road. If you or a loved one were involved in a car accident caused by someone who was sleepy or even asleep at the wheel, you may be entitled to financial compensation for your damages.

Sleep Deprivation’s Effect on the Brain

You may be surprised to learn that many experts consider drowsy driving to be just as dangerous as drunk driving. This is because the effects of sleep deprivation can be similar to the effects of alcohol. Being sleepy makes us slower to respond and less capable of sound decision-making. Sleep deprivation can mean the difference between avoiding a collision and being involved in a serious auto accident.

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Personal Injury Claims for Injuries Caused by Scooter Riders

 Posted on October 30,2020 in Personal Injury Lawsuits

IL injury lawyerElectric scooters or “e-scooters” have been quickly gaining popularity in the last few years. These small vehicles allow individuals to navigate the streets of Chicago and other U.S. cities without needing to drive their own car or hail a taxi cab. Unfortunately, e-scooters have been causing significant problems for pedestrians and bicyclists who are sharing the sidewalks or roads with these vehicles. If you or a loved one were injured in a scooter-related accident, you may be entitled to financial compensation. You could be compensated for your medical bills, property damage, lost income, and other costs.

Negligent Scooter Riders

There is no doubt that scooters offer some benefits to riders. They are small, inexpensive, and more environmentally-friendly than automobiles. Unfortunately, the misuse of e-scooters has caused considerable problems for other scooter riders as well as non-riders. Because scooters are smaller than motorcycles and cars and do not reach high speeds, some riders underestimate the potential risks of riding a scooter. Many scooter riders are unfamiliar with the scooter and do not know how to operate it safely. They may also use the scooter while under the influence of alcohol and drugs or attempt to drive the scooter while simultaneously using their cell phone.

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What Is Involved in a Personal Injury Claim Concerning a Defective Product?

 Posted on October 28,2020 in Defective Products

IL injury lawyerMost people assume that items purchased from a retail store or online retailer will work the way they are intended to and will not cause them harm. While this is true for the majority of consumer products, there are times that a defective or malfunctioning product causes a consumer to be injured or even killed. If you were hurt or you have lost a loved one and you suspect that a defective product is to blame, you may be entitled to financial compensation.

Product Liability Basics

Products may contain three main types of defects under Illinois product liability law:

  • Design defects: A design defect occurs before a product is manufactured. The inherent design of the product may be flawed in some way that makes the product dangerous – even when it is used as intended. A design defect will be present in an entire line of products.
  • Manufacturing defects: A manufacturing defect occurs when something goes wrong during the manufacture or construction of a product. The defect may only affect some of the products.

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Contact a Lake County Vehicle Accident Attorney Who is Ready to Help You

If you or a member of your family has been injured in a motor vehicle accident, contact our office. Call 847-662-3303 to set up a free initial consultation at one of our four convenient locations. There is no risk because we only collect fees if you collect compensation. With offices in Libertyville, Waukegan, Richmond, and Chicago, we represent clients in Lake County, Cook County, DuPage County, and McHenry County.

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