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Examples of Common Back Injuries in Car Accidents in Illinois 

 Posted on March 29,2024 in Car Accidents

Waukegan, IL personal injury lawyerCar accidents can result in a variety of injuries, with back injuries being among the most common and debilitating. In Illinois, victims of car accidents often suffer from back injuries that can have long-lasting effects on their physical health and well-being. From herniated discs to back sprains, fractured vertebrae, and torn muscles, these injuries can significantly impact a person’s quality of life. If you were in a car accident and suffered a back injury, contact an attorney trained in Illinois personal injury law, as you may be entitled to compensation.

With over 85 years of combined experience, the skillful attorneys at Salvi & Maher, LLP have a demonstrated track record of assisting clients in a wide variety of accidents, many of which include motor vehicles. If you suffered an injury and do not know what to do, giving our firm a call is a wise first step toward pursuing a full and complete recovery.

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Common Causes of Fatal Bicycle Accidents in Illinois 

 Posted on March 26,2024 in Bicycle Accidents

Waukegan, IL bicycle accident injury lawyerBicycling is a popular mode of transportation and recreation in Illinois, but sadly, fatal accidents involving bicycles are far too often an unfortunate and devastating reality. Understanding the common causes of fatal bicycle accidents in Illinois is important for promoting safety and preventing tragedies on the road. However, when a fatal bicycle accident does occur, family members may be unsure how to proceed. If you lost an immediate family member in a bicycle accident, you have legal options that are worth knowing about, which may include filing a wrongful death case. Discuss with your attorney whether this option makes sense for your situation.

At Salvi & Maher, LLP, we are proud to say we have recovered hundreds of millions of dollars for our clients. When clients come to us, even in the most difficult of circumstances, they can rest assured their case will be handled as professionally as possible. 

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Three Ways Improperly Stored Cargo Can Lead to Truck Accidents in Illinois 

 Posted on March 21,2024 in Truck Accidents

Waukegan, Il truck accident lawyerTruck accidents in Illinois can have devastating, sometimes even fatal, consequences. One common cause of these destructive accidents is improperly stored cargo in the truck. When cargo is not secured or stored correctly, it can lead to dangerous situations on the road. If you were injured in an accident involving an improperly loaded truck, you have rights you need to be aware of. Contact an injury attorney in Illinois to get the assistance you require.

Here Are the Ways Poorly Loaded Trucks Can Cause Accidents 

  1. Shifted cargo and loss of control – Improperly stored cargo can shift during transit, causing the truck to become unbalanced. This can lead to the driver losing control of the vehicle, especially when making sharp turns or sudden stops. This can result in serious accidents, including rollovers or collisions with other vehicles on the road. Truck drivers and companies must ensure cargo is secured correctly and distributed within the truck to prevent such accidents.

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Examples of Serious Injuries in Illinois Personal Injury Cases

 Posted on March 19,2024 in Personal Injury Lawsuits

Lake County, IL personal injury lawyerSerious injuries, often referred to as catastrophic injuries, can have a significant impact on a person’s life, often requiring extensive medical treatment and potentially leading to long-term disabilities. In Illinois, understanding what qualifies as a serious injury is important for people pursuing compensation for their injuries. If you were injured and have questions regarding whether your injury qualifies as serious, contact a lawyer in Illinois and explain your situation. A qualified attorney will sit down with you to discuss your situation and see what legal options you may be able to pursue. 

With over 85 years of combined legal experience, the talented legal professionals at Salvi & Maher, LLP have a proven track record of assisting clients in even the most difficult circumstances. With an eye for detail and a client-focused approach to personal injury law, injured clients can feel confident that the dedicated legal professionals at Salvi & Maher & Maher, LLP, will get the job done. 

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Examples of Manufacturers' Defects in Scooter Accidents in Illinois

 Posted on March 13,2024 in Defective Products

Lake County, IL scooter crash lawyerScooters have become a popular mode of transportation in urban areas, offering convenience and eco-friendly mobility. However, when manufacturers' defects are present in scooters, they can pose a serious risk to riders, leading to terrible personal injuries. If you suffered injuries in a scooter accident and believe a manufacturing defect is to blame, contact a lawyer to understand more about the situation. If you decide to file a lawsuit, your attorney can help you make sure you meet the Illinois two-year statute of limitations and pursue whatever compensation may be owed to you.

Faulty Brakes and Acceleration Systems

One common manufacturer defect in scooters that can lead to personal injuries is faulty brakes and acceleration systems. Malfunctioning brakes can prevent riders from stopping in time to avoid collisions. At the same time, erratic acceleration systems can cause sudden speed changes, leading to loss of control and accidents resulting in injuries. 

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Common Back Injuries in Rear-End Car Accidents in Illinois

 Posted on March 05,2024 in Car Accidents

Waukegan, IL car crash lawyerRear-end car accidents are one of the most common types of collisions in Illinois and can result in a variety of back injuries. These injuries can range from minor strains and sprains to whiplash and even slipped discs or broken backs. 

Read-End Car Accidents Can Cause Many Serious Injuries 

  • Whiplash - One of the most common back injuries resulting from rear-end car accidents is whiplash. Whiplash occurs when the head and neck are suddenly forced backward and then forward, causing rapid and unnatural movement to the spine. Whiplash most often leads to soft tissue damage, muscle strains, and neck pain, which can be debilitating and require extensive and ongoing treatment. 

  • Herniated discs - Another common back injury in rear-end car accidents is herniated discs. The force of impact in a rear-end collision can cause the discs between the vertebrae in the spine to bulge or rupture, putting pressure on the nerves and resulting in pain, numbness, or weakness throughout the entire body. Various medical treatment options may be available for herniated discs, including medication, physical therapy, injections, or, in severe cases, surgery. 

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Common Injuries in Illinois ATV Accidents

 Posted on February 29,2024 in Recreational Vehicle Accidents

Lake County, IL ATV accident lawyerAll-terrain vehicles (ATVs) can be fun but they also carry many risks. Most often used in off-road, rural, and coastal areas, it is not uncommon for a driver to suffer an injury during an ATV accident. Injuries can range from mild to severe, and some injuries are more common than others. In the worst cases, people sometimes die in ATV accidents. You may be entitled to compensation if you have suffered an injury on an ATV. It is best to discuss the situation with an attorney to get important details about whether you may be able to bring a suit against the party responsible for an ATV accident that impacted you.

Broken Bones and Fractures

Falling from an ATV is very likely to result in bruises, contusions, and the possibility of a broken bone or fracture. Hitting a rock or tree may result in an abrupt stop, causing the driver’s arms or wrists to snap in the wrong direction and resulting in a break or fracture. Being thrown hard enough during a crash can also result in a skull fracture, even if properly wearing a helmet. This could then lead to the possibility of a traumatic brain injury.

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Three Tips To Lower Your Risk of Rear-End Accidents

 Posted on February 26,2024 in Car Accidents

Waukegan, IL rear end car crash lawyerA car accident is rarely, if ever, a planned event. However, these things happen daily in all areas of the country and you should always be proactive in your safe driving practices to help prevent your involvement in a rear-end collision. The major offenders of rear-end collisions include following other vehicles too closely, distracted driving, and driving impaired. Drivers involved in rear-end collisions should seek out an experienced attorney on what they should do concerning legal matters for damages that occur.

Maintain a Safe Driving Distance

You should always keep at least one car’s length of distance between you and the vehicle in front of you. This helps to reduce the risk of a rear-end collision in the event that you must stop immediately. Being bumper-to-bumper with the nearest vehicle is a recipe for disaster. You never know whether or not the driver is distracted, intoxicated, nervous, or fatigued. You can only worry about your own situation and safe driving practices to get you to where you are going in one piece.

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How Long You Have To Report An Illinois Car Accident

 Posted on February 19,2024 in Car Accidents

Blog ImageGetting into a car accident can be a very jolting experience both literally and figuratively. The accident can leave you confused and unsure of what you should do in the aftermath. One of the most important things you should do is to report it to the appropriate authorities as soon as you are able. In most situations, reporting a vehicle accident is a requirement and you only have 10 days to report it to the Illinois Department of Transportation (DOT). If you have failed to file a report within the time limit or have and are seeking compensation for injuries sustained during the accident, then hiring a personal injury attorney is the next step.

Situations Where Reporting An Accident is Required By Law

Though you are not required to report all vehicle accidents in which you were involved, it is still a good rule of thumb to do so. This is to document the incident’s occurrence in case you have suffered injuries and you need evidence to file a claim at a later date. However, filing a vehicle accident report to the DOT is mandatory in the following circumstances:

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Common Symptoms of a Traumatic Brain Injury

 Posted on February 12,2024 in Brain Injuries

Blog ImageTraumatic brain injuries (TBI) can damage the brain where the injury took place as well as the surrounding areas and tissue. This can lead to multiple complications, which in turn leads to many painful and problematic symptoms. Needless to say, TBIs can be detrimental to both short and long-term health. There are some common symptoms to look out for that can help determine whether or not you might have a TBI. If you have suffered a TBI due to someone else’s negligence, it is a good idea to consult a personal injury lawyer when seeking compensation for damages.

What is a Traumatic Brain Injury?

A TBI is a mild to severe injury that the brain can suffer due to an object piercing the brain (penetrating TBI) or a forceful blow, jolt, or bump to the head or body (non-penetrating or blunt TBI). Some TBIs may only be temporary while others could leave lasting, permanent disabilities to a person. Some TBIs can even end in death. The damage suffered during a TBI can be physical, cognitive, or to the senses, and can be immediate or occur at a later time following the injury.

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Contact a Lake County Vehicle Accident Attorney Who is Ready to Help You

If you or a member of your family has been injured in a motor vehicle accident, contact our office. Call 847-662-3303 to set up a free initial consultation at one of our four convenient locations. There is no risk because we only collect fees if you collect compensation. With offices in Libertyville, Waukegan, Richmond, and Chicago, we represent clients in Lake County, Cook County, DuPage County, and McHenry County.

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