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Accident Prevention for Aging Drivers: Common Challenges and Tips for Staying Safe
Posted on December 00,0000 in Accident Liability

The roadway can be a dangerous place for anyone and everyone. While certain demographics and driving behaviors tend to contribute to collision trends, the reality is
car accident statistics do not discriminate. Everyone is at risk for causing or being involved in a crash. Just as young drivers face certain challenges as they learn to acquire good driving skills and the importance of avoiding bad habits, such as distracted driving, older drivers are presented with their own set of challenges when behind the wheel.
Natural Challenges
Natural changes that typically come with aging, such as vision changes and physical or mental limitations can, and often do, cause a shift in driving skills, making operating a vehicle riskier and more intimidating. The National Highway Safety Traffic Administration reported that over 5,000 people age 65 and older were killed in motor vehicle traffic crashes in 2012, which was an increase from previous years. Aging does not automatically equate to the need to give up driving. It does mean adopting a few new habits and being realistic about dangerous changes in driving habits, however. Recognizing and acknowledging the effects getting older can have on your driving skills is the first step to safer driving as you age.
What You Can Do
Whether you are beginning to notice changes in your driving abilities as the years go on or you are noticing changes in one of your loved ones, take note of the following driving safety tips to increase your chances of preventing a collision:
Talk it out: If you are concerned about changes in your driving skills, it is important to talk things out with a trusted friend or family member. Talking about any decline in health is never easy, but expressing your concerns and thoughts about the matter with someone you love and trust can go a long way when it comes to acceptance. It also helps to brainstorm with someone to come up with ideas for how you can protect yourself behind the wheel and improve your level of safety as you age.
Assess your physical health: Assessing your vision, physical fitness, and your reaction time and reflexes can give you a good indicator of where you stand when it comes to operating a vehicle. Stay up to date with your doctor visits so you can proactively manage any vision or health issues, and thoroughly voice your concerns to your doctor so you can understand the nature of your limitations.
Consider new boundaries: Creating new boundaries for your driving patterns and habits can be an excellent way to combat risk on the roadway as you age. Consider eliminating driving at night or during certain times of day, such as during rush-hour, or make arrangements to drive with a friend when you need to run errands around town. Driving with another passenger can be helpful, as it gives you a second set of eyes on the roadway.
If you or a loved one have been injured in an auto accident due to aging driver, speak with an experienced
Lake County car accident attorney to make sure your rights are protected. Call Salvi & Maher, LLP today at
847-662-3303 to schedule a free consultation.
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Three Common Causes for Increase in Pedestrian Accidents
Posted on December 00,0000 in Pedestrian Accidents

Since 2013, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that there has been an increase in pedestrian fatalities on the roadways, totaling over 4,000 deaths. Although not all
pedestrian accidents end in fatality, this statistic is still alarming as it indicates a greater risk in general for any pedestrian out and about on the roadways. The NHTSA emphasizes that “everyone is a pedestrian,” providing countless resources for those who choose to walk as a main mode of transportation to help them learn how to stay as safe as possible.
Why the Increase in Pedestrian Traffic Accidents?
There are multiple reasons for the rise in pedestrian-related accidents in recent years, but some of the most common causes for these incidents include the following:
- Failure to use crosswalks - Both pedestrians and motorists play a part in this factor. Many pedestrians are needlessly injured due to not using the proper crosswalks, or crossing at the wrong time, while motorists who do not remain alert or yield to pedestrians at intersections pose a huge risk for those on foot. Sadly, this combination is a leading cause for the spike in pedestrian injury and fatality statistics.
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Teenage Driving during the Summer Season
Posted on December 00,0000 in Car Accidents
There is nothing like the open road during the summer season, especially for your teenager, who may be participating in all kinds of seasonal road trips. From trips to the beach, sleepovers with friends, and various outdoor get-togethers, chances are your teen will be hitting the road often, which puts them at greater risk for car accident and injury.
No parent, guardian, mentor, or teacher likes to think about the teens they care for being placed in harm’s way, but control is limited when it comes to the roads and the danger they present. One way you can make a difference is by taking an active role in speaking with the teenagers in your life about the importance of responsible driving.
Doing Your Part
Speak and work with your teen to increase your chances of protecting them, their passengers, and the drivers they share the roads with. Practice the following to promote awareness, education, and to help prevent needless collision and injury on the roadways this summer:
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Busy Illinois Intersections Prove to Be Hot Spots for Pedestrian Accidents
Posted on December 00,0000 in Pedestrian Accidents
Motorists and pedestrians alike seem to encounter more vehicle accidents during peak traffic times, at the busiest locations. This trend is understandable as there are more cars on the roads, all operating in the same vicinity, which equal more chances for collision and injury. The state of Illinois seems to experience a steady flow of pedestrian accidents at certain intersections in particular, which leads to a greater need for awareness and collision prevention efforts in these hot spot areas.
Dangerous Intersection Findings
Illustrating the problem with major intersections and their tendency to contribute to crash statistics, the Chicago Tribune gave an example of this very real danger with reports that show a number of pedestrian fatalities in the Chicago area alone, all of which occurred at major intersections throughout the city. Crash data was pulled from the Illinois Department of Transportation, in which roughly 800 residents were surveyed. As a result, the region’s most dangerous intersections were discovered.
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First Semi-Autonomous Car Fatality Raises Legal Questions
Posted on December 00,0000 in Car Accidents
All new technologies carry the risk of running into unforeseen problems. New phones, new computers, and new software systems all release updates as issues arise, and many companies release new technology under a Beta testing phase, which tells consumers that not all kinks have been worked out yet. In most circumstances, unforeseen issues merely cause annoyances or bugs that make systems less efficient, but rarely do they cause actual harm. With a motor vehicle, however, any malfunction carries a much higher risk of a car collision. With a semi-autonomous car, a malfunction can result in death.
Tesla Model S Fatality Occurs in Florida
An Ohio man was an early adopter of new technology, including the semi-autonomous car. He purchased a Tesla Model S, one of the first cars to introduce a driver assistance feature, Autopilot, that allows drivers to cruise hands-free while the car essentially takes over. Autopilot can keep drivers in their lanes, swerve to avoid collisions, and brake when cars ahead slow down via its adaptive cruise control system.
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I-55 Car Collision Causes Fire and Fatalities
Posted on December 00,0000 in Car Accidents
Car accidents are commonplace in the Chicago area, with its many highways and congested traffic. Less common, however, are explosions that result from such accidents, although they do occur. This July, a multi-car accident caused a tanker truck to burst into flames, leaving several cars decimated and at least one person dead.
The crash occurred on the Stevenson Expressway just east of Cicero Avenue when two trucks collided around 10:50 a.m. on Monday, July 25. One truck was carrying 17,800 pounds of paint, a highly flammable and hazardous material, the other carrying frozen meat. Police believe the truck carrying meat hit a car stopped in front of it, which caused that car to hit the car in front of it, sending that car under the trailer of the truck carrying paint. The paint truck then struck another vehicle in front of it, and both semi-trucks and the other vehicles burst into flames after the flammable paint caught fire and spread to the other vehicles.
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Increase in Cycling Popularity Leads to Increase in Bike Accidents
Posted on December 00,0000 in Bicycle Accidents

It seems that the more advanced society becomes, the more forgotten some of the simple experiences are. In the eyes of many people, this is also true of bicycle riding. However, upon further investigation, in 2016 there is a large shift to become more self-sufficient and healthy, which also seems to be making an impact on the cycling industry. From the food we consume, to carpooling and adding exercise to our daily routine, it seems that Americans are truly interested in improving the world around them. Many are finding that their contribution to everything is to ditch the car and take the more economical bike ride for their transportation, especially in larger cities where most destinations are well within riding distance. Unfortunately, with the rise of cyclists comes a rise in
bicycle accidents and a new round of bills to try to compensate.
Why Cycling Has Increased in Popularity
In 2014, cycling saw a sharp increase in the rise of cycling as the primary transportation people used to get to work. Although, cycling commuters still create less than 2 percent of the population of the United States as a whole, in larger cities, the numbers of cyclists doubled. Some of the benefits include:
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Pedestrian Deaths Up in Illinois and Nationwide
Posted on December 00,0000 in Wrongful Death

For pedestrians, being near or attempting to cross busy roadways has always been dangerous. Cars speed by, drivers are often distracted, and the chances of an accident are high. Unfortunately for both Illinois pedestrians and pedestrians nationwide, new data indicates that
pedestrian deaths are on the rise. Is it now more dangerous than ever to be a pedestrian in Illinois?
An 18 Percent Increase
Recently released data from the Illinois Department of Transportation shows an 18 percent increase in pedestrian fatalities in 2015. In 2015, 150 pedestrian deaths occurred in Illinois, compared to 127 in 2014. Federal data shows a similar trend: 4,884 pedestrians were killed nationwide in 2014, the highest number of deaths in one year since 2005, when 4,892 pedestrian fatalities occurred.
While the 2015 numbers are still being finalized, officials say that early indicators are not looking good. Within the first nine months of 2015 there was a 9 percent increase in traffic fatalities, and officials say they expect the tally of pedestrian deaths for 2015 overall to be up from last year. Illinois has already seen many pedestrian fatalities in 2016, and state and national officials say there has been no better time to raise awareness and combat pedestrian fatalities.
Why Are Pedestrian Deaths Increasing?
State and national officials cite impaired or distracted drivers as one of the main causes behind the increase in deaths. Many communities have laws in place to combat distracted drivers, but many drivers unfortunately ignore those laws and continue dangerous habits like texting while driving.
Poorly designed crosswalks and signals are also a factor in the increase of pedestrian fatalities. The Active Transportation Alliance says that many roads are built to move as much traffic as possible with little thought towards pedestrians. An Illinois law passed in 2010 requires that all drivers stop for pedestrians at crosswalks, but a survey conducted by the Alliance shows that many drivers are either unaware of the law or ignore it. Proposed solutions include changes to signal timing and countdowns, better signage at crosswalks, and concrete islands.
Drivers and poorly marked crosswalks are not the only factors to blame, however. Officials have seen a significant increase in pedestrians texting, streaming videos, or using their smartphones and tablets while walking, making them oblivious to the dangers of walking near or attempting to cross a busy road. Some states, such as New Jersey, have even proposed penalties for distracted walking, but no such proposals have yet to be passed.
Are You or a Loved One a Pedestrian Accident Victim?
Pedestrian accidents and deaths can occur on any road at any time. Even vehicles moving at slow speeds have the potential to cause serious bodily harm and even death. At the law offices of Salvi & Maher, LLP, our team of experienced Lake County personal injury attorneys has years of experience representing clients who have suffered due to negligent driving or wrongdoing. Let us help you through the recovery process and help you obtain the compensation you deserve. Call 847-622-3303 today to speak to a member of our team.
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Highway Danger Zones that Pose Increased Risk for Automobile Accidents
Posted on December 00,0000 in Car Accidents

There is one inevitable truth when it comes to
car accidents: Some collisions are unavoidable. Roadways will always be dangerous, even when we exercise extreme caution. As drivers, we do not have control over the elements, road conditions, or other motorists. We can only practice safe driving to the best of our ability to prevent accident and injury, and promote awareness to encourage others to do the same.
While roadways are risky in general, there are certain areas in particular that pose an increased risk for accident and injury. Exercising greater caution in these areas is important, especially during peak rush hour times when traffic is heavily congested.
Common Danger Zones
One Ways: Wrong-way driving (WWD) is the cause for hundreds of fatalities annually, not to mention thousands of reported injuries nationwide. Studies reported by the Illinois Department of Transportation have shown that freeway exit ramps are typically the most common sites for wrong-way driving related crashes, although anywhere a driver inadvertently or deliberately drives against one-way, oncoming traffic is a hotspot for collision and injury.
Intersections: All intersections present a threat to drivers and pedestrians alike due to their busy nature, but certain types of intersections present greater risk, such as those that experience heavy traffic during rush hour times or those with poor visibility. Designs such as roundabouts and flashing yellow arrows (FYAs) help to combat some of these issues at intersections, allowing drivers more direction and guidance as they navigate an excess flow of traffic.
Special Work Zones: The Illinois Department of Transportation reports that distracted driving and speeding are the primary causes for work-zone related collisions. Similar to intersections, work zones require more attentiveness on the part of the driver, as changing conditions, work crew exposure, and stop-and-go traffic create multiple potential hazards for those passing through.
Areas with Poor Infrastructure: Poor highway design and the physical deterioration of paved roadways equal dangerous driving conditions for anyone operating a vehicle. The Illinois Department of Transportation works hard to continually evaluate roadway conditions and to improve highway infrastructure, but certain areas sadly remain problematic for drivers and continue to pose risk for collision.
When you find yourself in a crash related to any of these danger zones, it is important to contact a knowledgeable Lake County car accident attorney who can help explain your rights and ensure your best interests are protected in a court of law. Call Salvi & Maher, LLP today at 847-662-3303 for a free consultation.
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Preventing Accident and Injury on Illinois Roadways
Posted on December 00,0000 in Car Accidents
Countless studies are done to evaluate roadway crash statistics across the nation, on a continual basis, but no matter how many times those car accident statistics are updated, similar trends tend to emerge over and over again. While it is discouraging to observe some of these unfortunate trends, repetitive crash statistics offer us one advantage: We are able to learn from them and adjust our driving behaviors and patterns accordingly, in the hopes that we can prevent - or in the very least, reduce - the same incidents from recurring.
Reported Spikes in Collisions
The greater the number of drivers and pedestrians on the roadways, the greater the chance for collision. It is no surprise that certain hours and times of day make us more susceptible to accident and injury. During peak travel times, such as morning and late afternoon rush hours, those traveling by car and by foot are equally in a hurry to get to their next destination. The nature of the “rush” mentality mixed with the roadway congestion is sadly the perfect recipe for potential collision.
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