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Labor Day Weekend Traffic Is Predicted to Be Deadliest since 2008
Labor Day weekend is well known to be a time of year
that many American freeways are congested with drivers.
The National Safety Council (NSC) has predicted that this
year’s holiday festivities could be the deadliest Labor
Day weekend to date. At Salvi & Maher, L.L.C.,
we strive to protect our clients’ safety and pursue their
best interests when it comes to
auto accidents
whether it is a holiday or a normal, everyday occurrence.
Illinois: One of the Most Dangerous States to Drive In
The NSC has predicted this Labor Day weekend will become the deadliest on record since 2008. The NSC has also found that Illinois road deaths are up 24 percent from previous years, and it does not seem to be improving. The NSC concluded that, with dangerous roadway incidents growing, Illinois is one of the deadliest areas to travel through in the United States. This is troubling news for many residents who are simply looking for a fun and safe Labor Day weekend.
Teen Driver Safety Tips
Preparing the teenager in your life to be a
good driver
starts long before they get their driver’s license. There
is great benefit to discussing topics such as distracted
driving and driving under the influence early on.
Instilling responsible behavior behind the wheel is
something you can begin focusing on weeks, even months,
before your teen heads off to take their test at the DMV.
1. Talk about dangers on the roadway.
One of the very best ways to start off on the right foot with readying your teen for the road is to communicate. Open up discussion about common dangers on the roadway and allow your teen to express their own thoughts on actions they believe can place them at risk behind the wheel, and why they feel that way.
Total Loss Collisions in Illinois
Being involved in a
car accident is a jarring experience, from dealing with any injuries
to filing the police report. Even the most minor rear-end
collision can cause a big shake-up when it comes to
interacting with the other drivers involved and reporting
damages to your insurance company. In the case of total
loss, the effects can be especially devastating.
If you find yourself involved in an accident that results in a total loss, keep the following in mind:
1. It is up to you to report the accident and file a claim.
While this is true for any collision, when it comes to a total loss, this is particularly important in regards to insurance claims. The larger the loss, the greater the expense required for damage and repairs. This also applies to any medical bills, documentation, and potential lawsuits that ensue due to the crash. The sooner you act and the more details you provide, the better you protect yourself should a lawsuit arise.
Will Better Vehicle Design Reduce the Number of Rear-End Collisions?
According to a recent report in The Chicago Tribune,
rear-end collisions continue to be one of the most common
types of
car accidents, responsible for over 40 percent of all crash incidents
on roadways in the United States.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reported that distracted driving and drug-impaired related crashes have increased since 2009, both factors undoubtedly contributing to rear-end incidents, though other behaviors such as speeding also continue to play a role in these types of collisions.
Regardless of the cause for these sad statistics, rear-end collisions have been and will continue to be an issue on our roadways, although efforts are being made through enhanced vehicle manufacturer design and other technology advancements to combat the problem. New, innovative efforts are continually being introduced with hopes that these advancements will prevent needless injury and even save some lives.
Steps You Need to Take When Involved in a Tollway Accident

7. Consult with an attorney - If you or any of your passengers were injured, it is crucial to contact a qualified Lake County car accident attorney. Proper legal representation can ensure that your rights are protected and your questions and concerns are addressed. If you have been in a tollway car accident, call Salvi & Maher, LLP today at 847-662-3303 for a personal consultation.
Red Light Cameras: A Blessing or a Curse for Drivers?

If you have been in a collision due to a red light camera at an intersection, you need to contact a qualified Lake County car accident attorney to secure proper legal representation. Do not miss out on financial compensation that might be due to you for the pain and suffering you endure after the accident. Call Salvi & Maher, LLP today at 847-662-3303 for a personal consultation.
School Bus Safety: What Every Driver Needs to Know When School Is Back in Session

If you child has been injured in a school bus related collision, make sure you speak with a qualified Lake County car accident attorney right away. Call Salvi & Maher, LLP today at 847-662-3303 for a personal consultation.
Bicycle Safety: Tips for Sharing the Road

Despite our best efforts as drivers, sometimes accidents happen. If you have been injured in a bike accident caused by a vehicle driver, it is important to speak with a professional Lake County bike accident attorney the moment you experience a collision. Call Salvi & Maher, LLP today at 847-662-3303 for a personal consultation.
Impaired Driving Accidents: More Than Just Operating under the Influence
All too often, impaired driving accidents are attributed
to drivers operating under the influence of alcohol and
other drugs. While it is true that DUI is a primary cause
for careless
car accidents, injuries, and fatalities, another form of impaired
driving is just as much to blame: drowsy driving.
The Other Form of Impaired Driving The
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)
reports that more than 7,000 people have been killed over
the last decade due to drowsy driving. Alcohol and other
substances can and often do intensify the effects of an
already drowsy state, making it that much easier for a
driver to fall asleep behind the wheel, but even with the
absence of alcohol or other drugs in a driver’s system,
simply being too sleepy to drive is still a form of
impaired driving.
Contributing Factors Drowsy driving not
influenced by the effects of drugs can happen at any time
of day. If you are too tired to drive or become too tired
after being in the car for some time, you run the risk of
falling asleep behind the wheel. Studies show specific
times of day tend to be riskier than others, however. The
hours between midnight and 6 a.m., in particular, are
common hours for drowsy driving incidents, thanks to the
natural shift in our body’s circadian rhythm.This internal
clock is what helps regulate our body’s sleep, and is
often the reason drivers grow increasingly drowsy behind
the wheel during these hours. Studies also show that
drowsy driving crashes often take place when there are no
other passengers in the car, and there is typically no
sign of braking beforehand.
Preventative Measures The number one way
to prevent yourself from causing a drowsy driving
collision is to ensure you get enough rest on a daily
basis. This means making sure you get at least seven to
eight hours of sleep each night. Practice staying vigilant
if you must drive during those peak drowsiness periods. If
you are crossing lanes or running into highway rumble
strips - especially if you are alone - make the decision
to pull over somewhere and park so you can rest before
getting back on the road. Additionally, if you are already
tired or plan on driving during late night or early
morning hours, avoid drinking alcohol, which significantly
increases your chances of causing a collision.
Dangerous Choices Teen Drivers Make

Influenced Driving - Sadly, due to peer pressure and other external influences, many teens make the decision to operate a vehicle while intoxicated or under the influence of other drugs, such as marijuana. Not only does this put them at risk for accident and injury, it also places them at risk for the serious consequences that accompany breaking underage drinking and driving laws. NHTSA statistics show that when the consumption of alcohol is involved, the severity of crashes among 15 to 20-year-olds is increased. There is also a correlation between the tendency for underage, teen drivers who have been drinking and driving to also not use seat belt restraints, which further enhances the chances for such accidents to be fatal.
Contact a Lake County Vehicle Accident Attorney Who is Ready to Help You
If you or a member of your family has been injured in a motor vehicle accident, contact our office. Call 847-662-3303 to set up a free initial consultation at one of our four convenient locations. There is no risk because we only collect fees if you collect compensation. With offices in Libertyville, Waukegan, Richmond, and Chicago, we represent clients in Lake County, Cook County, DuPage County, and McHenry County.